

Greece Permanent Residency (Golden Visa)

希臘永久 居留權 (黃金簽證)

The Golden Visa program @ 2021 was on a course of moderate recovery compared to it@2020, according to the latest data compiled by the Greek Migration Ministry.
The figures on the program offering five year residence permits to non-European Union nationals who spend at least 250,000 euros on property in Greece showed that 1035 Golden Visas were issued in 2021, which made Greece the highest number of approved Golden Visa across the European continent. Currently, Spain, Ireland, Malta, Portugal and Greece are offering the EU Golden Visa.

根據希臘移民部編制嘅最新數據,與@2020相比,黃金簽證計劃@ 2021處於溫和復蘇的過程中。
該計劃為喺希臘房產上花費至少250,000歐元嘅非歐盟國民提供五年居留許可的數據顯示,2021年簽發了1035份黃金簽證,要希臘成為成個歐洲大陸批准黃金簽證數量最多嘅國家。 目前,西班牙,愛爾蘭,馬耳他,葡萄牙和希臘提供歐盟黃金簽證緊。

About Us

The-Plan-B is a team of highly qualified professionals who are helping and guiding you in Greece Permanent Residency (Golden Visa) planning. We will open the European doors for you in the easiest way.

Choose and purchase your property on your own or at our assistance, and we will do all the paperwork for your Greece Permanent Residency(Golden Visa) application in a fast,hassle-free, and most affordable way.

Get your own property in Athens, apply for Golden Visa, make a wise investment for your future. It’s always important to have the-Plan-B.

The-Plan-B係一支高質素嘅專業人士團隊,佢哋幫助緊同指導你喺希臘永久居留權(黃金簽證)規劃中。 我哋將以最簡單嘅方式為你打開歐洲嘅大門。


在雅典獲得自己的房產,申請黃金簽證,為您的未來做出明智的投資。 擁有B計劃成日好緊要。

Why Us?

The-Plan-B team- A one-stop for alternative residency with the entire process managed by our friendly consultants. We provide a bespoke and time-efficient service from start to finish, including diligence checks, facilitating you in making the best property decision, and all necessaries. We offer A-” Concierge ” Greece Immigration Consulting Service. 

We Don’t Bundle Us With Any Property Purchase.

The-Plan-B團隊-一站式替代居留權,成個過程由我哋友好嘅顧問打理。 我們從頭到尾提供定制和省時的服務,包括盡職調查,幫助您做出最佳的物業決策以及所有必需品。 我哋提供A-雒礼宾杓希臘移民諮詢服務。 


We Offers A “Concierge” Greece Immigration Consulting Service


13 reasons that Greece
would be the ultimate Plan B

希臘嘅13个理由 将係最終嘅B計劃

How Does it Work?
The Process is as simple as 1-2-3


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How Does it Work?
The Process is as simple as 1-2-3

Be Qualified (合格)

Choose your investment options (minimum price €250,000 plus Government Taxes)

Paperwork (文書)

Our Legal team will consolidate all your paperwork and apply for the Permanent Residency (Golden Visa) for you and your loved ones.

Result (結果)

You and your family receive your Greece 5-Year Permanent Residency Permit (Golden Visa) in 60 working days from the day of submission.


Great Experience Through Greece


我哋每周7日喺呢度為你提供幫助,並喺24鐘頭內回復。 此外,您可以在常見問題解答頁面上找到大多數問題的答案。